The third chapter of TVB's documentary series, "Infinite Journey," unfolds with travel as its primary theme, casting a spotlight on the mesmerizing and mysterious landscapes of Xinjiang and Tibet. Over the span of two months, host Chen Beier and the dedicated team embarked on an epic 14,000-kilometer self-driving expedition, inviting viewers to discover the diverse beauty of China's vast landscapes. Throughout the two-month filming venture in Xinjiang and Tibet, the team aimed to provide an insightful depiction of the local cultures, human stories, and the awe-inspiring geographical features.
The latest episode delves into the exploration of the Inaccessible Mountain Base Camp in Xinjiang, perched on the Pamir Plateau, famously known as the "Roof of Asia." Despite its colossal size, this plateau is comparable to the four major plateaus within our country. With a history stretching back many years, the region has left its mark in various historical records.
Chen Beier and the team ventured into the Inaccessible Mountain Base Camp, shining a spotlight on the sought-after Glacier Cabin Hotel Unit. This RV-like campsite boasts 10 units meticulously designed by Mr. Ye, a seasoned designer from DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE, and crafted in the company's own factory. The Glacier Cabin Hotel Unit spans 10.5 meters in length, three meters in width, and 3.6 meters in height, featuring a striking exterior, cutting-edge technology, and comprehensive facilities, including a living room, panoramic bedroom, bathroom, utility room, and a spacious 3-square-meter viewing balcony.
Within the Inaccessible Mountain, the Glacier Cabin Hotel Unit includes 10 sets, one of which serves as a dining car, catering to daily meals and providing service inquiries. Despite the team's visit occurring outside the peak tourist season, the Inaccessible Mountain management revealed that the nightly accommodation rate of 2888 yuan continues to witness full bookings. This popularity is attributed to the intrinsic allure of Inaccessible Mountain's natural beauty and distinctive geographical features, as well as the hospitality offered by the Glacier Cabin Hotel Unit.
DEEPBLUE SMARTHOUSE, the proud manufacturer of the Glacier Cabin Hotel Unit, expresses deep pride in contributing to this extraordinary travel experience. The company's mission, encapsulated in the phrase "Building smart houses for the world," underscores their commitment to innovation and excellence in creating the Glacier Cabin Hotel Unit.