Stability and structural integrity
Integral stability is provided by bracing or other structures, such as concrete cores, integrated with lightweight steel frames. Structural Integrity or robustness can be achieved through multiple interconnections between light-weight steel members. The connection is designed to provide the required binding capability between the different components of the structure.
You can use a variety of claddings, such as:
Rain screen
Insulation rendering
Sheet metal.
Lightweight cladding usually requires sheathing, which increases the shear strength of the wall.
ACOUSTICAL performance
The floor and ceiling and partition walls provide excellent air transmission and impact sound reduction. Air-borne noise has been reduced by more than 52 DB (with low frequency correction factor) and by 5 to 10 DB less than that required by section e of the building code. The transmission of impact sound is also very low (< 30DB) . Concrete screeds can be introduced to improve the soundproofing, although this will add weight to the floor.
Thermal insulation is characterized by a heat loss per square metre (u value) of the facade. A low U value of less than 0.2 w/m 2 ° C can be achieved by placing 70 to 100 mm thick insulating plates outside the light steel structure and adding mineral wool between sections C. Where feasible, excellent air tightness can be achieved through an external sheathing plate or an internal diaphragm.
Fire Resistance
Fire protection is provided by multi-layer fire protection panels (BS EN 520 type F) . For load-bearing walls, the 90-minute fire resistance of BS EN 1365 is achieved by two inner layers of 15-mm-thick fire-resistant plasterboard with 100-mm-thick mineral wool between layers C. For Jo seam floors, three layers of 12.5 mm fire resistant plasterboard achieve 90 min fire resistance.
In the Modular rocket, the internal panels prevent fires between modules. An external sheathing plate and a fire stopper between the modules prevent smoke from passing through the cavity space.
If Masonry faces are to be used, fireproof blocks must be placed in the cavity between the inner plate of the Light Steel Frame and the outer plate of the Masonry.