
End-to-End Light Steel Frame Home Building Solutions Provider with Superior Quality and Efficiency.

End-to-End Light Steel Frame Home Building Solutions Provider with Superior Quality and Efficiency.

What Are The Advantages Of Prefabricated Houses?

What are the advantages of prefabricated houses? The following construction network brings you the introduction of related content for reference.

1) Not restricted by cast-in-place concrete

As the prefabricated house is produced by casting the steel mold in the factory, the structure can be divided into different parts, so it can be used without the restrictions of cast-in-place.

2) The appearance quality of the concrete of the prefabricated house is excellent

Because it is produced in an industrialized factory, the quality control of its concrete is relatively easy compared to cast-in-place concrete and its appearance is very good. It can be used for decoration works without repainting, reducing the materials, garbage, dust and labor required for painting.

3) Prefabricated houses can achieve complex appearance

Since the prefabricated components are produced in various structural components in an industrialized production manner, complex components can be produced through the processing design of the steel mold, and the production process is relatively inexpensive.

4) Prefabricated houses are easy to combine with steel components

At present, modern buildings are mostly mixed structures, and steel and concrete structures need to be constructed at the same time in order to realize modern building design concepts. Prefabricated houses can be easily combined with steel structures or other building materials to realize future trend composite construction.

5) Prefabricated house is free of fire-proof construction, primer-free finish, and erection-free exterior decoration. The overall construction speed is faster than steel structure.

6) The surface of prefabricated exterior wall panels of prefabricated houses can be treated with various finishes

The prefabricated exterior wall board can cooperate with various surface decoration treatments such as pre-embedded tiles, stone, clear water mold, special shape clear water mold, etc. in the architectural design.

7) Environmental protection for prefabricated construction sites

Because the prefabricated construction is assembled at the construction site and has good appearance quality, no painting is required, reducing on-site formwork operations and on-site painting operations.


What Are The Characteristics Of Prefabricated Houses?
The Market Demand For New Types Of Prefabricated Houses Mainly Includes The Following Aspects:
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